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Introducing TLS Knowledge Centre

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Published: 27-02-2024

Through the years, we have had multiple questions, via email, on the phone, at shows and exhibitions, asking about what we do and how we do the work that we produce; what are the steps we take to rehouse a lens, what is a rehoused lens, how do we service a lens, how much does it all cost, how long does it take, will you look after my lens, who will work on my lens, questions upon questions, anything and everything about lenses.

So, we have come up with a simple solution the ‘Knowledge Centre’.

What is the Knowledge Centre?

The Knowledge Centre is an information hub on all things about lenses. Each month we will be tackling all the questions, question by question that have been put forward to us by our customers, the first two articles are already up on the website -

Our first two articles –

How much does a rehousing cost?

An article to explain how much does a lens rehousing actually costs. What is the process and how is the pricing determined.

Read Article

What is a rehoused lens?

If you ever wondered what an actual rehoused lens was, here is an explanation about the benefits and disadvantages of a rehoused lens.

Read Article

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'To inspire through innovation, passion and quality'