Knowledge Centre

Case Studies

lens focus gears

Why are the iris and focus gears close together?

It can be very difficult with two gears so close together on any particular lens, it can make it quite challenging when on production with various motors and other accessories. Learn in this article why having gears together can be important.

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Individually marked vs batch produced focus scales

Why do True Lens services prefer to individually mark each lens? Find out in this weeks Knowledge Centre article the advantages and disadvantages of individually marked and batch produced focus scale lenses.

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Knowledge Centre - Optical Unit

Is the optical unit serviced during rehousing?

Yes, the optical unit will be serviced during the rehousing process of any lens as standard. Find out how and why.

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Initial stage - Lens Assessment

Are lenses assessed before the work begins?

This month's article explains what happens at the very first initial stage, when you send your lenses to us. It also explains our 'Lens Assessment' service between seller and buyer.

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What is oil migration?

Typically, oil migration usually happens over time and can cause devastating results, but, what is oil migration and what can be done if this happens to your lens. Read here all about oil migration.

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Edge-blacking, why it matters

What is edge-blacking and why does it matter. Find out all you need to know about edge-blacking in this weeks article.

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'To inspire through innovation, passion and quality'
'To inspire through innovation, passion and quality'