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Management Buyout - A Year On!

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Published: 16-09-2021

True Lens Services

It has been a whole year since True Lens Services Limited successfully completed the management buyout, which took place in 2020. The past year has proven to be a very positive year, where we have accomplished many new adventures.

Since the buyout we have launched our range of Vega Lenses, which have been brought and already used in some very successful filming, ‘Twist’ being one of them, a film that was inspired by the iconic Charles Dickens novel 'Oliver Twist. We are proud that we are now able to offer the rehousing of the Lomo Anamorphic round front lenses, a service that we wanted to offer for some time, and we also successfully expanded our Canon FD range. 

It has been a fantastic year and a very exciting time to be working with TLS.

Keep an eye out for what yet is to come as there is much more on the horizon!

'To inspire through innovation, passion and quality'
'To inspire through innovation, passion and quality'