

photo from mr turner film

High Quality Bespoke British Lens Engineering


Lens servicing and product development facility True Lens Services is responsible for such world-renowned lens engineering feats as the digital conversion of the classic 1950’s Cooke Speed Panchro lens for 2014’s well-received feature, Mr. Turner

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Mr Turner

Procam Acquires British Broadcast and Cinematic Lens Innovator, True Lens Services


Procam zooms in to snap up movie lens company. Television equipment specialist Procam is buying a business that supplied lenses used to film the likely Oscar contender Mr Turner.

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TLS PL Lens Cap

Film and Digital Times: Best Unexpected Product of NAB


See what Jon Fauer from Film and Digital Times thought about our PL Lens Cap at the NAB show 2014.

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IBC 2014 Logo

Newsshooter at IBC 2014: TLS Nikon 24-70mm F2.8 Cine Converted Lens


We chatted with the team at IBC 2014 about the Nikon 24-70mm F2.8 Cine Converted Lens.

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'To inspire through innovation, passion and quality'
'To inspire through innovation, passion and quality'